The Wah Yantee Mantra is known for Awakening of Intuition which is given by Yogi Maharishi Pitanjali….
30 Days of Chants
Day 2 | BUDDHAM SARANAM GACCHAMI | Powerful Buddhist Mantra
Recited in praise of the wonderful qualities of The Buddha, the Truth he realised and taught, and those who practice correctly.
Day 3 | HARE KRISHNA | Maha Mantra
This Mantra has the power to dissolve our bad habits and negative emotions. One becomes free from all anxiety and inner fears….
Day 4 | SA TA NA MA | Mantra for Transformation
Mantra is very helpful in reducing stress level and improve memory power. One gets you rid of bad habits and addictions. ….
Day 5 | SA TA NA MA + RA MA DA SA SA SAY SO HUNG | Mantra for Absolute Bliss
In Kudalini Yoga this is the ultimate Healing Tool. A magic combination of seed sounds make it mantra which is used in many Kundalini Yoga Meditations. ….
Day 6 | OM HARI OM | Powerful Healing Mantra
To erase suffering, repeat the Om Hari Om Mantra. It also removes all sins and helps in getting rid of depression……
Day 7 | EK ONG KAR SAT GUR PRASAD | Magic Mantra – Reverse Negative to Positive
Some call it the Magic Mantra. Vibrations of the mantra are so powerful that it reverse Negative into Positive. Healing sounds of the mantra create positive thoughts,…
Day 8 | GOBINDA HARI | Mantra for Self Reflection
One can see God only by observing within after chanting the Mantra. Gobinda Hari is also known to be as Mantra for Self Reflection….
Day 9 | JAP MAN SATNAM | Mantra for Prosperity
The Mantra brings infinite flow of Prosperity and fulfils all desires. One can feel the joy of merging with Divine power….
DAY 10 | TU THAKUR TUM PEH ARDAS | Mantra for Blessings
For Blessings, Protection and Care one should chant and listen to this soothing prayer with folded hands. It is a prayer for prosperity and welfare of all mankind…..
Day 11 | LAKSHMI MANTRA | Mantra for Peace, Prosperity and Harmony
Regular chanting of this mantra will make you healthy, wealthy and prosperous. Mantra removes all misery and provides Success and worldly pleasures….
Day 12 | EK NOOR TE SAB JAG UPJIA| Mantra for Universal Brotherhood
These words were written about 500 years ago by Saint Kabeer and much before we scientifically proved the Big Bang Theory. God has created the entire Universe from one Light……
DAY 13 | OM NAMO BHAGVATE VASUDEVAYA – Mantra Chanting Meditation Music
Om represents the primordial sound of the universe.
Namo means Salutation, worship
Bhagavate refers to something divine….
Day 14 | OM SO HUM – Meditation Mantra
So Hum is derived from Sanskrit and literally means “I am That” . it means identifying oneself with the universe or ultimate reality. As we meditate on this, we realize that we are all one…
Day 15 | Satnam Sri Waheguru
Satnam means the Name is Truth . Wahe represents ecstasy, Guru is the one who takes us from Darkness to the light….
Day 16 | AJAI ALAI – Power Mantra
It is a mantra of Power, real inner power. Real inner strength and Will power. It dissolve anger and lifts one up out of depression.
Day 17 | HAR HAR MUKANDAY – Mantra to Break Free
Mantra remove fear. People with phobias often adapt mantras to center on during times of fear.
Day 18 | GOBINDAY MUKUNDAY – Mantra for Clearing Subconscious
We all have the qualities of that divine Infinite creative source within us.
Day 19 | THAPEYA NA JAYE – Mantra to Overcome failure
Real Failure is When you Stop Trying. This Mantra help us to overcome failure.
Day 20 | PRANA APANA – Powerful Healing Mantra
We deeply believe that our mind has power to heal any pain, any emotional wound and real healing occurs from within.
Day 21 | ONG NAMO GURU DEV NAMO – Mantra to Tune into your Higher Self
Ong Namo : I Bow to the creative power – divine energy – force, that created this entire universe, this cosmos
Guru Dev Namo : I bow to the great divine…..
Day 22 | AAD POORAN MADH POORAN – Mantra to Live in the Moment
This mantra is a tool to break mind’s habit to delay happiness, delay living. And bring us back to Living this Moment, to Enjoy this very moment.
Day 23 | ANTARJAMI POORAKH BIDHATE – Night Meditation Mantra for Peace
This Night Meditation Mantra act as a shield from all evils and bad spirits. Chanting and listening the mantra brings peace, happiness, good health and prosperity
Day 24 | TVAMEVA MATA CH PITA TVAMEVA – Mantra Dedicated to Guru
Ancient Indian Mantra dedicated to Guru who is treated all in all and even above God
Day 25 | HUKMAI ANDAR SABKO | Gurbani Mantra Meditation to Destroy Ego
When we live too much in our minds, we loose that peace that we all crave for.
Day 26 | HEY GOBIND HEY GOPAL | Mantra to Remove All the Problems
MANTRA Hey Gobind Hey Gopal Hey Daial Lal Pran Nath Anath Sakhe, Din Darad Nivaar Hey Samrath Agam Puran, Mohe Mai Adhaar Andh Kup Maha Bhiyaan, Nanak Par Utaar MEANING O Preserver of the World, O Sustainer of the World, O Dear Merciful Beloved. You are the Master of...
Day 27 | DHANVANTRI MANTRA – Mantra for Good Health
Mantra is very powerful healing and mantra for Good Health. Dhanvantari is accepted as god of Ayurveda i.e. ancient medicine science. It deals with matters relating to health, day-to-day life and longevity (long life).
Day 28 | OM NAMO NARAYANAYA – Mantra to bring Bliss
Chanting OM NAMO NARAYANAHA will bring Love, Bliss, Prosperity and All the good positive vibrations in and around you.
DAY 29 | OM PARAANANDAAYA NAMAHA – Happiness Mantra Meditation
Real Happiness comes from within. One cannot get the same from material things. Chant the Mantra after knowing the meaning i.e. I am one with Divine Happiness, the Vishnu and live in the present moment.

Day 30 | SO MAI VISAR NA JAA-EE – Mantra to Remove Anxiety
Surrender to the will of our creator. He created us for a reason, and he will make sure that if we follow our hearts, if we are true to ourselves,
the reason we are here, is also taken care of.