Day 4 | SA TA NA MA | Mantra for Transformation

Mantra is very helpful in reducing stress level and improve memory power. One gets you rid of bad habits and addictions. ....
30 Days of Chants - Day 4 - SA TA NA MA - Meditative Mind - Mantra Meditation journey


SA – infinite and source of this universe
TA – life or birth of form
NA – transformation of form
MA – rebirth


SA TA NA MA Mantra is composed of 5 seed sounds in the Universe (SSS, TTT, NNN, MMM and AAA.) Its an atomic form of Sat Naam, Which means Whose Name is Truth. A simple but powerful mantra containing the Seed Sounds – SA TA NA MA . Its is also known as Mantra of Transformation.

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These 5 sounds create the vibrations that can transform, that can heal, that can make you calm, and brings the balance back in yourself and around you. It is also known as Mantra for Change. If something is not working out physically, financially, emotionally in your life, just make a routine to chant this mantra. Or just be around the vibrations of sounds where this mantra is being chanted and feel its effects.  Mantra is very helpful in reducing stress level and improve memory power.  This mantra has the power to get you rid of bad habits and addictions.


Emotional Healing, Managing Stress, Clarity, Improve Memory Power,  Get Rid of bad habits & Addictions


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