– B.K.S. Iyengar
You cannot travel on the path until you become the path itself.
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More Mindful Quotes
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A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose.
– Tom Wilson
Fortune and love favor the brave.
– Ovid
Minds are like parachutes – they only function when open.
– Thomas Dewar
Expect problems and eat them for breakfast.
– Alfred A. Montapert
Be selective with your battles, Sometime peace is better than being right.
– Unknown
Each morning we are born again. What we do today matters the most
~ Buddha
Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.
– Thich Nhat Hanh
Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear
~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Meditation is the tongue of the soul and the language of our spirit.
– Jeremy Taylor
What is Zen? The only way to find out is this.
~ Meditative Mind
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