
How To Clear Negative & Bad Energy From a Room, a House, and Even Yourself

Negative energy in the surroundings where you are living can be very damaging and unhealthy. Here are 10 simple and very easy ways to cleanse ourselves and our environment of negativity.
Clear negative energy from home and from yourself


How To Clear Negative and Bad Energy From a Room, a House, and Even Yourself

Negative energy in the surroundings where you are living can be very damaging and unhealthy.  It adversely effects mood, nature and human relations. Negative energy can result in ill-health and quarrels in the family. It makes the people in the house depressed, lethargic and even creates unnecessary violence.  It also creates unnecessary fear in the mind of family members.  Some people even remain fatigued and angry and feel physical pain. Thats why its essential for us all to clear the negative and bad energies surrounding us and even from inside us. Below are 10 simple and very easy ways to cleanse ourselves and our environment of negativity.

1. Keep the house clean and clutter free: Keep the house perfectly clean. Energy can’t flow in the house if the same is cluttered and messy. To feel vibrant and positive, keep your table, drawers etc. well organized and tidy. Keep dirty clothes in the laundry basket.

2. Keep green plant in the room: Nature is one of the best sources of removing negative energy.  Keep money plant, aloe vera, holi basil or other like plants available in your area to boost positive energy. Maintain plants properly and give timely water.  Immediately remove the dead, dying and dried parts of the plants.

3. Play music in the house: Vibrations of music release you from the feeling of guilt and fear. This is also used for awakening and turning negative into positive and grief into joy. Playing vibrating music can make a big difference. Playing music in the house helps to alleviate stress and break the imbalance in the air.  Always listen to the music that fills your environment with harmonious and healing vibrations and is also helpful in uplifting the soul and mind. The Pure tones of Tibetan Singing Bowls is very helpful both for clearing the mind, bringing the focus back and all cleaning the negative energy around us. We recently created a track using Singing Bowls Tuned to 417 Hz. Below is the video from our channel.

4. Keep provision for natural air & light: To boost positivity in the our life as well as in the home, keep provision of sunshine and plenty of fresh air to enter your home.  In the natural air brain produces more serotonin which transmits impulses between nerve cells, regulating cyclic body process and contributing to wellbeing and happiness.  Researchers regard it as a chemical that is responsible for maintaining mood balance and deficit of which leads to depression.  Natural air and light raises the vibration of the room it fills.

5. Keep beautiful things or pictures you love: Keep photos of your family, favorite painting, fresh flowers, decoration piece or anything in your home which gives pleasure to your eyes. We feel pleasure when we see something beautiful which we love and pleasing to our eyes.

6. Spiritual approach: Best way to clear the negative energy in the house is to chant or listen mantra.  Doing good deeds, saying short prayer, reading religious scripture and  meditation take us near to spirituality and fill the house with good vibrations.

7. Rearrange furniture: If there is any hindrance in the smooth flowing of energy in the house, rearrange furniture and other items. Anything that does not give you a good feeling is just not the right arrangement. Don’t keep the unused or broken furniture or other unusable items in the house.

8. Light scented candles and incense: Lighting/burning scented candles in the house promotes good energy. Burning of lavender, mint or eucalyptus incense infuse the room with positivity.  It is believed by many different religions that burning of scents and  sage/certain herbs are associated with cleaning negative energy. Burning sage is one of the oldest and most effective ways to remove negative energy from home.

9. Sea Salt: If you are shifting to a new house, to get rid of negative energy of the previous occupant of the house, place sea salt in different areas of the house. Sprinkle some sea salt in the room especially in the corners or spray the solution in different corners of the home for creating positive vibes.

10. Spray of essential oils: Very effective method of boosting positivity in the house is to spray some essential oils such as lemon, sweet orange, lavender, sage peppermint and rose  in your house.  Strong aroma of essential oil will disperse negative energy.



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