
Chakra Healing Frequencies and Seed Mantra Chants for Meditation

Seed Mantra Meditation and Breathing exercises such as Pranayam are really helpful in healing and channeling healthy energy flow through our chakra system. 
Chakra Healing Frequencies and Seed Mantra Chants for Meditation

Chakras are the energy centres in our subtle body which are connected via energy channel called Nadis. Seed Mantra Meditation and Breathing exercises such as Pranayam are really helpful in healing and channeling healthy energy flow through our chakra system.

1st CHAKRA –   Root – Muladhara | Frequency:  256 Hz. | Seed Mantra:  LAM

Muladhara or root chakra located at the base of the spine in the coccygeal region of the subtle body. The seed Mantra or sound for this chakra is Lam (pronounced lum). The element of this chakra is earth.

2nd CHAKRA – Sacral – Swadisthana | Frequency: 288 Hz | Seed Mantra:  VAM

Svadhishthana or sacral chakra is located at the root of the sexual organ along the spine in the subtle body, two inches below your navel. The seed mantra in its center is Vam representing water.

3rd CHAKRA – Navel – Manipura | Frequency:  320 Hz | Seed Mantra : RAM

Manipura  also called the nabhi chakra or the solar plexus/navel chakra, is located in the navel region along the subtle body’s spinal column. The seed mantra for this chakra is RAM, and is represented by Fire.

4th CHAKRA – Heart – Anahata | Frequency:  341. 3 Hz | Seed Mantra : YAM

Anahata or the heart chakra is located in or behind the heart. The seed mantra of this chakra is YAM and is represented by element Air.

5th CHAKRA – Throat – Vishuddhi | Frequency:  384 Hz | Seed Mantra : HAM

Vishuddha, or throat chakra is located at the base of subtle body’s throat. The seed mantra of this chakra is HAM (pronounced hum). The Element of this chakra is space.

6th CHAKRA – 3rd Eye – Ajna  | Frequency:  426.7 Hz | Seed Mantra : OM

Ajna also called guru chakra or third-eye chakra is the subtle center of energy, believed to be located between the eyebrows, located behind it along the subtle (non-physical) spinal. It represents the characteristic of being dual (e.g. light and dark, or male and female). The seed mantra of this chakra is OM.

7th CHAKRA – Crown – Sahasrara | Frequency: 480 Hz | Seed Mantra:  AH or Silent OM

Sahasrara or crown chakra is the topmost chakra in the subtle body, located in the crown of the head. It is the highest spiritual center and the state of pure consciousness, within which there is neither object nor subject. The Seed mantra for this chakra is AH or Silent OM.



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