Chakra Meditation Month – Week 02/Day1 – Powerful Root Chakra Seed Mantra ‘LAM’ Chants

We are in Week 2 of Chakra Meditation Month. This week we are doing Chakra Meditation & Healing Seed Mantra Chants

As usual, starting with the Root Chakra Seed Mantra “LAM” Chants.


YouTube video

This video features Root Chakra Meditation Chant. The seed mantra for the Root Chakra is ‘LAM’ and the elementary frequencies associated with this chakra are 194.18, 256 & 396 Hz The Chanting and music has only the pure resonating frequencies, which help to easily go into a meditative state and stimulate the chakra to bring it to balance.

Few things to know about Root Chakra or Muladhara
The Color Associated with this Chakra is Red. Wearing Red, eating red fruits and veggies, and visualizing Red while meditating really helps in awakening this chakra.
And this chakra is located at the end of your spine. You can imagine a red disc of energy at the end of your tailbone, which is stabilizing you, and energizing your entire body.

Chant ‘LAM’ along with this Video can increase the effectiveness of this meditation multiple times.
As you meditate, close your eyes, and visualize that you are taking Red energy in with each breath, that red energy is getting to every part of your body, and energizing it.
Also, note that this is the primary chakra, the fundamental chakra which needs to be balanced first, before moving to any other chakra.

So make a daily routine, to meditate on this chakra, to balance it first, before moving to next chakra.

We are celebrating “Chakra Meditation Month”, for entire February.  Below is the schedule.

Week 1 : Chakra Sleep Meditation Music
Week 2 : Chakra Meditation & Healing Seed Mantra Chants
Week 3 : 7 Chakras Guided Meditation
Week 4 : Chakra Balancing & Healing Music.

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