What is a Mantra?
Mantra is a sacred utterance of word, sound or short phrase which has psychological and spiritual powers, continually repeated either aloud or silently , which penetrates the depths of the unconscious mind and helps in attaining spiritual connection and desired health benefits. OM (AUM) is the most basic mantra or Bija Mantra. As per Big Bang theory, OM was the cosmic sound which initiated the creation of Universe. The single word OM produces the sound and vibration which allows you to feel one with the nature. The vibrations of the mantra chanting repeatedly awaken the spiritual life force and stimulate the chakras. In short we can say that Mantra is the living force of God.
The earliest mantras were composed in Sanskrit and are 3000 years old. Mantras now exist in various schools of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Similar hymns, chants, compositions and concepts are found in Zoroastrianism, Taoism , Christianity and elsewhere.
Benefits of Mantra Meditation
Meditation relaxes the mind & body and if the same is done with Mantra chanting; it not only relaxes the body and mind but nourishes the soul. So for more powerful result, mantras are used during meditation. There are many mantras, especially in Sanskrit; one has to choose according to the need, which helps in healing the body, calms the mind and uplifts the soul. It is believed that sounds have different effects on human body and mind. Sound of Mantra can make the desired effects and lift the believer to the higher self. Chanting of Mantras provides us with the power to attain our goals and takes us to the higher level of consciousness. Chanting and listening mantras gives us the power to cure diseases; brings positive transformation; wipes out all the negative energy; develops self confidence; increases intuitive power; brings bliss and love; creates wealth, prosperity & happiness besides relaxing mind and body. Some Mantras have so powerful vibrations the sound of which gives supernatural powers and takes the being to the blissful state. There are unlimited benefits of Mantra Meditation which can be felt and physically experienced only.
1. Calms Nervous System and boosts immunity: When we chant the mantra, the movement of the tongue in the mouth pressing the roof of the mouth thus stimulates the hypothalamus and pituitary glands which regulates communication between the nervous system and the endocrine system that produces Serotonin and Dopamine hormones called “Happiness Hormones”. These hormones impact everything i.e. mood, appetite, sleep etc. The mantra helps our nervous and endocrine system to find natural rhythms again which trigger healing response and also boost immunity.
2. Improves Concentration: During meditation, numbers of thoughts crop up in our mind , making it difficult to
concentrate. Mantra chanting distracts the mind from unwanted thoughts.
3. Reduces Anxiety, Depression & Stress: Chanting mantra causes the left and right hemispheres of the brain to synchronise which helps oxygenate the brain, reduces our heart rate and assists in creating brain wave activity. Balanced nervous and endocrine systems helps in regulating chronic stress, tension, anxiety and depression.
4. Makes Fearless : Chanting mantra in praise of the Creator reduces the fear including the fear of death from the mind.
5. Develops Divine Qualities: By regularly chanting, one can develop Love, Truth, Compassion, Calm, Peace, Patience, Courage and Honesty.
6. Makes Peaceful: Chanting or listening mantra creates pure, powerful and positive thoughts which eliminates all negative things from body and mind like sorrows, sins, ill will, hatred and ailments and also increases intuitive power, will power and self confidence.
7. Makes one humble, cheerful, happy and prosperous: Mantra Meditation helps to control anger, lust, greed and ego.
Develops power to forgive and let go and makes the person cheerful and happy.
8. God becomes your close friend: You never feel alone and all your wishes are fulfilled.
9. Makes you Healthy: Good Vibrations of the mantra removes toxins from the body, controls Blood Pressure and also cure insomnia.
“Spiritual meditation is the pathway to Divinity. It is Mystic ladder which reaches from earth to Heaven, from error to Truth, from pain to Peace”. – James Allen
How to do Mantra Chanting Meditation?
Each and every person has a different reason for meditating i.e. from health benefits to attaining spiritual connection. Mantra is a sacred utterance of word, sound or short phrase which has psychological and spiritual powers, which penetrates the depths of the unconscious mind and helps in attaining spiritual connection and desired health benefits. OM (AUM) is the most basic mantra or Bija Mantra. As per Big Bang theory, OM was the cosmic sound which initiated the creation of Universe. The single word OM produces the sound and vibration which allows you to feel one with the nature. The vibrations of the mantra chanting repeatedly awaken the spiritual life force and stimulate the chakras. In short we can say that Mantra is the living force of God.
The earliest mantras were composed in Sanskrit and are 3000 years old. Mantras now exist in various schools of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Similar hymns, chants, compositions and concepts are found in Zoroastrianism, Taoism , Christianity and elsewhere.
1. Each mantra has different vibrations. Choose a mantra according to your need, wish and requirement.
2. Repetition of mantra helps you to disconnect from any wasteful thoughts that arise during meditation.
3. Best time is early morning or late evening. You can choose any time as per your convenience.
4. Select a quiet and comfortable place for practice of mantra meditation.
5. Start the Mantra in the background.
6. Sit comfortably on a floor with cross-legged position or on the chair with your back straight and eyes closed.
7. Place your hands adjacent to Navel.
8. Relax your body and muscles and smile.
9. Slowly take a few deep breaths. Concentrate on your breath in the way in which you feel most comfortable and observe each inhalation and exhalation but avoid to control or analyse your breath; just experience each breath. Feel your belly rise and fall. Repeat it 4-5 times.
10. Enjoy the relaxing experience.
11. It is time to chant your chosen mantra, take a deep breath in. Slowly chant the Mantra … when you exhale, keep the pace slow, and you don’t have to be loud or forceful. Go alongwith the track to set your pace right. Try to pronounce correctly but not over-conscious.
12. During chant feel mantra’s vibrations starting from your lower belly and traveling all the way upto your brain as you chant. Chant mantra slowly (not very loud) or silently but with feelings. Slowly feel all your unwanted thoughts, pain, stress leaving your body with every chant.
13. Every mantra produces a unique sound and vibration during chanting and stimulates various areas of the brain, bringing about positive results that include relaxation and natural healing.
14. A mantra can be chanted while focusing upon a specific part of the body that needs to be healed. Similarly, spiritual mantras help to create positive attitude and empower the person.
15. Feel a sense of calm and bliss. All wasteful thoughts, activities will start decreasing and eventually come to a stand still. Feel the flow of energy and vibrations.
16. Repeat the mantra for as long as you want, but for powerful results, chant at least for 15-20 minutes.
It is necessary to have full faith in the recitation of Mantras to achieve the desired goals. When during the course of Mantra chanting , the physical forces harmonize with the emotional and intellectual forces, you begin to feel like a complete being.
Meditation takes consistent practice; but is simple and can effect many positive changes in your life. Do it on daily basis for complete healing and total awareness. Chanting mantra meditation in a group brings more peace and harmony to all the group members.
OM Mantra
We start journey with the primordial sound of OM. The Vibrations from Listening to or from Chanting OM has powers to almost instantly relax mind body and soul, as the vibrations in our body and around us merge with that of Universe.
OM or AUM is the universal sound that vibrates in the universe. These vibrations add various shades to the meaning of OM, such as it being “the universe beyond the sun”, or that which is “mysterious and inexhaustible”, or “the infinite language, the infinite knowledge”, or “essence of breath, life, everything that exists”
It is believed by many that OM is religious symbol but it is a very wrong notion. OM which is pronounced as AUM is a basic sound of nature which vibrates in the universe and not related to any particular religion or country. According to Big Bang theory, OM was the cosmic sound which initiated the creation of Universe.
This mantra can be recited by everyone, irrespective of religion, caste, creed or nation. It is considered to have high spiritual and creative power. OM is a mantra of realization and internal bliss. By chanting OM, the ego, the I’amness is lost ; and One is merged with the Eternal One.
Chant the mantra slowly and feel the vibration. Chanting OM gives personal strength, purity, piety, excellence and grace. It also relaxes the mind, tunes the nervous system and controls the blood pressure.
The single word “OM” produces the sound and vibration which allows you to feel one with the nature. There are countless benefits of the OM Mantra chanting/listening
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SO HUM is derived from Sanskrit and literally means “I am That”. It means identifying oneself with the universe or ultimate reality. As we meditate on this, we realize that we are all one, we have all come from one Infinite Source, and a part (Ansh) of that infinite source is present in all of us. We are all connected. ‘You are the same as I am’ OM is the sound of universe. OM So Hum – I am the universe, I am part of it, I am connected to that Infinite source, This affirmative assertion when chanted or listened to as a part of the meditation ,it takes you to higher realms of peacefulness and you experience an ethereal joy and see ethereal & ultimate, eternal beauty because that beauty is in your eyes and that joy is in your heart and soul which can not be robbed of. That is why it is a joy forever.
We all face situations where we need to take difficult decisions, where we are not able to see which direction is right or wrong, And we keep on thinking endlessly. We end up so confused, not able to decide which one will turnout right for us. So what we should do?
Understand, Meditate on this Mantra to go deeper into its meaning and Chant it, and it should guide you to the right choice. If not the right choice, it will guide you to surrender to the will of the One… the Universe, and you will not be paralyzed by indecisiveness. As you meditate with this Mantra, go deep into it and understand the meaning, you will know that indecisiveness comes from the fear, and by means of this mantra you will let that fear go, take a decision and get into action. By this mantra, you will learn to surrender, Do the
Karma, instead of getting too much attached to the outcome.
Mantra and its Meaning
jehi vidhi hoi naath hit moraa
karahu so vegi daas main toraa
O Lord !! I don’t know what to do, I don’t know which direction to go.
I here by surrender to you, to your will, and I know you will do whatever is good for me..
Tohi Mohi Mohi Tohi Antar Kaisa – You are me, and I am You – what is the difference between us ?
The work, the travel and our responsibilities, duties and everything that we do, all take energy out of our system. And at the end of the day, we sleep to replenish that energy -To start afresh-But the energy that we get from sleep, is only one tenth of the energy we can get from Meditation. During meditation, with practice, as we let all the thoughts, worries, problems, past, future out of our mind and our systems, we give ourselves opportunity to connect with the Universal Source of All of Us, The Infinite Source of Energy, The One from where we all emerged. But we need to be able to connect with that source, And Meditation is the only way to Connect. And As we connect with that Infinite and profound source of energy, that positivity, that love, our original source, we realize that there is no difference between we two. And as we connect with our source, the Positive Energy Starts to Flow into us. The energy which is far greater that anything else. The energy which can heal diseases and heal all our pain. Which can fill our hearts with love and which can purify our minds.
Aad Guray Nameh, Jugaad Guray Nameh, Sat Guray Nameh, Siri Guru Dev-ay Nameh
Aad Such Jugaad Sach Hai Bhi Sach Nanak Hosi Bhi Sach
Aad Such Jugaad Sach Hai Bhi Sach Nanak Hosi Bhi Sach
I bow to the primal Guru. I bow to the truth that has existed throughout the ages I bow to True Wisdom. I bow to the Great Divine Wisdom
True in the beginning, true throughout the ages, true even now, Nanak, truth shall ever be.
True in the beginning, true throughout the ages, true even now, Nanak, truth shall ever be.
Triple Mantra clears all types of psychic and physical obstacles in one’s daily life. Listening to or chanting TRIPLE MANTRA will strengthen your magnetic field and keep negativity away.
The Meaning of “Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Jio”
Wa-ecstasy/bliss, he-here and now; Gu is darkness, ru is Light; Guru –means moving from a space of darkness to the space of light. Jio-soul. -“I am in ecstasy here and now as my soul moves from the space of darkness to light”: from ignorance to the state of wisdom: enlightenment.
This is a mantra of ecstasy. Wahe Guru is said to not only be the experience of the divine, but also impart the experience of the divine. Jio is said to impart an affectionate relationship to/with the divine.
This is Mantra of Ecstasy of Connecting to the One. The creator of the Universe -The Creator of Us All. A celebration inside. It helps us to connect with our higher self and to the One. And as the realization grows that we are all One, and we are all connected with the one, and we all came from that one source and we all will go back to that one source, we feel ecstatic.
The ecstasy of this realization is what this mantra is all about.
‘OM Shri Anantaha’ is a Bhagwan Vishnu Mantra, with this Mantra We call upon the peaceful, powerful, positive energies of the Supreme creator. OM is the Primordial Sound of the Universe Narayanaha is the Vedic Supreme God according to Vedas, and is also known as Vishnu and Hari.
May auspiciousness be unto Lord Vishnu,
May all auspiciousness be unto the one who has the Garuda as his flag,
May all auspiciousness be unto the Lord with lotus-like eyes,
And auspiciousness to Hari
OM Shanti OM – Mantra Meditation for Deep Inner Peace
OM Shanti OM is an ancient Vedic Mantra and prayer for Peace. OM (AUM) is a basic sound
of nature which vibrates in the universe and Shanti is a Sanskrit word means Peace, in deep sense inner peace rather than outer peace or even bliss. By chanting ‘OM Shanti OM’ mantra repeatedly gives us a state of deeper relaxation, calmness and spiritual well being. Our mind becomes still and no negative and wasteful thoughts are entering the mind.
As we meditate on this Mantra, we are wishing and spreading peace for all human kinds, all the living and non living beings, and spreading peace in entire universe. We spread the vibrations of OM, thus aligning everything inside out in the right vibration and contributing to the peace in this universe. It is not possible to be in harmony with others unless we are in a position to develop harmony within our own mind.
When we chant OM Shanti OM, an aura of peace and calmness in the environment around us is created which keeps our mind at peace.
Benefits of chanting and listening OM SHANTI OM MANTRA
1. Creates a peaceful aura.
2. Makes the mind calm and peaceful.
3. Relieves stress and improves mood by improving endorphin levels.
4. Removes all negative things from your body and mind.
5. One is full of Joy and internal bliss due to vibration of sound OM (AUM)
Ajai Alai | Mantra for Being In Your Power & to Develop Radiant Body
Mantra and Meaning
Ajai Alai – Invincible, Indestructible.
Abhai Abai – Fearless, Unchanging.
Abhoo Ajoo – Unformed, Unborn.
Anaas Akaas – Imperishable, Etheric
Aganj Abhanj – Unbreakable, Impenetrable.
Alakh Abhakh – Unseen, Unaffected.
Akaal Dy-aal – Undying, Merciful
Alaykh Abhaykh – Indescribable, Uncostumed.
Anaam Akaam – Nameless, Desireless.
Agaah Ataah – Unfathomable, Incorruptible.
Anaathae Pramaathae – Unmastered, Destroyer.
Ajonee Amonee – Beyond birth, Beyond silence.
Na Raagay Na Rangay – Beyond love, Beyond color.
Na Roopay Na Raykhay – Beyond form, Beyond shape.
Akarmang Abharmang – Beyond karma, Beyond doubt.
Aganjae Alaykhae – Unconquerable, Indescribable.
This Mantra is so rhythmic and poetic that even if you would like to sing along and hum along with this. Its a mantra of Power, real inner power. Real inner strength and Will power This mantra is known to dissolve anger and lifts one up out of depression. This beautiful mantra is written in Gurmukhi by Shri Guru Gobind Singh ji and is part of Jaap Sahib.
It is a meditation mantra dedicated to Lord Ganesha, and we chant it before starting any new venture. We chant it when inner or outer obstacles are holding us back to get to our true self and fully realizing our potential
Mantra and Meaning
OM – The Sound, the Vibration of the Universe, The Primordial Sound
GAM – The Seed Sound, or bija sound of Lord Ganesha
GANAPATAYE – Another name of Lord Ganesh, the one who overcomes obstacles.
NAMAHA – I offer you my salutations, I bow to you.
We all want success in life, yet it is not easy to define success. To most people ,it is achieving a goal within a specified period of time or making tons of money in business or being in power.
Success is a very personal & subjective term. It is one’s attitude towards life.
No worldly success is lasting-if you achieve one target, the next higher target is there in front of you. So this Success is a wild goose chase which brings only temporary happiness, temporary satisfaction.
So, dear friends, let’s each one of us sit, reflect, meditate & ask a few questions from ourselves….
What is Success for me? What is the purpose of my life? What do I really want? Do I really believe in & find happiness in what I do? Once we get the answers to these questions, our every act will become Success-a Creation & we, each one of us will become the Creator; it will be no matter then whether we win or lose, whether we are awarded for our merits or not, for the work itself becomes the reward & success becomes a journey, not a destination, we enjoy every work, we enjoy working with people whom otherwise we dislike because our mind, our body, our thoughts, our feelings, our Energies are all in one, focussed towards Work.
So the real success is working with a commitment, dedication, love, kindness, contentment, patience & peace so that we play our part well on this earth & leave the World a better place to live in for our future generations.
Sat Nam Mantra Meaning
In very simple terms, Sat means Truth and Nam means Name. You could translate it as True Name or Truth is my name. It is a way of acknowledging that at our essence is the Essence. The “Truth”, which is bigger than any human truth, isn’t a matter of right or wrong or even a concept that we can clearly articulate. It is simply an acknowledgement that the Great Mystery is who we are.
This also means that in our true essence we are as pure and real as the gods or as supreme and powerful as the Supreme power. In this Mantra chanting, we meditate on the Name of that Truth which is the only Truth. Everything else is temporary and not worth our persuing. When this realization comes, Kundalini is awakened and one is able to know, understand and see this truth with that inward eye. It is also known as Kundalini Mantra for Awareness.
Benefits of Chanting ‘Satnam’ on Mind and Body
1. Develops divine qualities i.e. Love, Truth, Compassion, Calm, Peace and Patience.
2. Eliminates of all negative things from body and mind like sorrows, sins, ill will and ailments.
3. Increases self confidence, will power and intuition power.
4. Makes one Humble, Cheerful and Happy.
5. Keeps one more energetic.
6. Developes power to forgive and let go.
7. One never feels alone.
8. Controls anger, lust, greed and ego.
9. No Fear of Death.
10. Makes fearless.
11. Provides spiritual energy.
12. Brings along all eternal and supernatural powers.