Transform your Life : Everything you need to know about 40 DAY SADHANA

Everything you need to know about 40 Day Sadhana by Meditative Mind.
40 Days Sadhana by Meditative Mind

What we think, we become. Our life is composed of the thoughts, which become actions, that we take at each moment. And most of our actions come from our habits which we formed over the years. Transforming life starts from transforming the habits. And if you would like to change a habit permanently then it is said to practice that for 40 days and it will stay with you for life. Our Habits, Our nature are first established in the subconscious mind, which then become thoughts and then manifests in actions. With meditation we can rewire our subconscious mind.

What is 40 Day SADHANA?

SADHANA in english means Meditation. Meditative Mind’s 40 Day SADHANA is an opportunity for us to come together and dedicate ourselves to practice meditation for 40 Days. For 40 Days, everyday a new Mantra will be recited for 40 times. Everyday, we will take a new Pauri (Mantra) from Japji Sahib and meditate upon it. We will understand what that Mantra means, and chant it 40 times, so that it establishes a new habit in our conscious and subconscious minds, based on the effect of the mantra.

Apart from changing the subconscious mind, chanting mantra itself has a very powerful calming effect on the body and mind.

Some of reasons to practice 40 DAY SADHANA.

  • Developing a daily mantra practice routine, calms our mind and brings the stress down. The vibrations of these ancient mantras are known to bring positive vibes in and around us. Even if we do not know their meaning.
  • Every time we spend meditating with these mantras, our understanding about ourselves, our life and experiences become deeper. We become more connected with our true self.
  • If you practice consistently every day for 40 days, you will create the opportunity to implement any change you want in your habits, your relationships, and even the way you see yourself.
  • Throughout Centuries, Yogis and Sadhus have used 40 day meditation practice to bring self-discipline in their lives. They would practice it for 40 continuous days in order to receive its full benefits meditation.
  • It brings a structure to our lives. Many a times our lives feel out of balance, because we are either too much into one thing or we are so overwhelmed by the day to day tasks and projects. 40 Day Sadhana makes it possible for us to break that and learn to extract time for ourselves. for our peace of mind.

40 Day Sadhana Practice : What all you will need?

You don’t need any previous experience in meditation. If you never learnt a Mantra, thats ok. If you do not believe in God, thats fine. It does not matter which religion or country or caste you belong to. All you need is a commitment. Commitment to yourself that you want to transform yourself, your habits, your thoughts and commitment to the practice.  Here is all that you need for 40 Day Sadhana

  1. Commitment.  Be committed for 40 Days.  Close your eyes, and take a deep breath and ask yourself what changes you want to see in yourself, why want these changes. You need to search for reasons within yourself. Once you have found a strong reason, a strong WHY, that you feel connected to, write it down. I find that this will make your commitment more strong. Remember 40 Day Sadhana is your practice. Its about searching for gifts you have within yourself.
  2. Time.  You will need to set aside time everyday for this practice.  We will chant a new mantra for 40 times everyday. Set aside around 45mins to 1 Hour of time everyday. It might be difficult at first and when you find yourself leaving
  3. Access.  40 Day Sadhana will be available to everyone free of cost. We will be uploading each day’s meditation on our Youtube Channel. You can Subscribe to the Channel, so that you can get notifications everyday when the new meditation is available. You can also save/bookmark the link to the 40 Day SADHANA Playlist for easy reference.
  4. Journal.  This is very important and would require little bit more of your time. After each meditation, journal your experience. You can choose whatever method you want to. You can write it down in your special journal, keep notes on your pc, mobile or tab,  Or you can leave a comment on yourube about your experience with each video, everyday – which is ofcourse more public. Do whatever you feel comfortable with. Once the 40 days are over, reflect back on the change you see within yourself. 🙂

The Method : How to do 40 Day SADHANA Practice

This method is just a rough guideline. You can create your own method of practice.

  1. Get access to each day’s meditation video. Here are someways you can get access of mantra meditations for each day.
    1. Subscribe to our Youtube Channel. This way you will receive notifications everyday on youtube, when we release each day’s meditation. [ Click Here to Subscribe ] 
    2. Bookmark or Save the URL of 40 Day SADHANA Playlist. This playlist will be updated everyday. [ Save this 40 Day SADHANA PLAYLIST ]   
    3. If you need to listen to the recordings offline, you can get Deluxe Edition for 40 DAY SADHANA. This will give you access to download each day’s MP3. Along with this you will get Wallpaper with Mantra and its meaning, so that you can save it offline [40 Day SADHANA [Deluxe Edition]
  2. Each Day’s Video will have Mantra and Its Meaning. Also a detailed description about each mantra will be available in the Description of the video. Understand the meaning of the Mantra. Read the description of the video for more detailed meaning.
  3. Once you got the gist of the Mantra, Choose a comfortable position. You can sit in a crosslegged position on the floor or Sit on a chair or on a couch. Also you can lie down. Just make sure that your back is straight. Also make sure that you are not sleepy or tired when meditating. Its time to play the video.
  4. Chant the Mantra along with the Video. If you can by-heart the mantra and chant by closing your eyes, that will be even more beneficial. You can also chant it silently in your mind. During each chant, focus on the mantra, each word, try to understand and develop your own meaning. How it applies to your own life, your own thought process. Each mantra is there to teach you something.
  5. Reflect. Reflect upon what you understood from your meditation. Its important that you journal your thoughts immediately after the meditation. Thats the time you still have access to that subconscious mind.
  6. Let the Mantra play in the Background. For rest of the day, if you can, let the mantra play in the background. You can either stream it from Youtube or Download the MP3s. You can also download the MP3s and wallpaper for each mantra for each day here. That ways, you can have it saved in your mobile, pc where ever it is convenient for you.

How to get more involved?

Here are some more ways to become more involved.

  1. Share your Light. Whenever we open ourselves to the world, to what we experience, about our thoughts and insights we are sharing our light with others. Its very important as a part of meditation practice that we share our experiences with the community. And as we do it more, we learn how everyone’s experience is so different and still similar in some way. We invite you to share you thoughts, experience everyday with the community. Leave a comment, reply to the questions others are asking in the community. Share your light.
  2. Spread the message  Spread the message of SADHANA. Experience the benefits and let others know about this practice. Invite others to take part in the 40 Day Sadhana. Share the information with your friends and family.
  3. Host group SADHANA  When we involve others and do something with a shared and collective motive, we are more committed and we are more motivated. Also we get support from others in the community. If you can take initiative to host group Sadhana, within your society that will help you and others in the process.

40 Day SADHANA – Details

You can start 40 Day Sadhana any day, but when we collectively meditate on the same day, we raise the vibrational energy of the planet. And our meditation in turn becomes even more powerful with this collective energy resonating around in our universe. More people meditating at the same space and at the same time is even better. So, we encourage you to form a groups with you friends, family and community and meditate at the same time, together.

Recommended Start Date for 40 Day Sadhana 

We recommend that you start on the first day of the month. Plan for it atleast 2 days before your start date, so that you have a comfortable place to meditate and have atleast 30-40 mins of daily commitment. Longer the better. Give it time. Read the “Understanding” part of each video to know what we will be meditating on.

All the Mantras for meditation are available free. You can access them here :

40 Day Sadhana - Deluxe Edition

40 DAY SADHANA – Mantras’ Overview

List of Mantras we are featuring in 40 Day Sadhana are

DAY1 : Mool Mantra – Ik Onkar

DAY2 : Mantra for Knowing God – Sochai Soch Na Hovai

DAY3 : Mantra for Patience – Hukmi Hovan

DAY4 : Mantra for Self Confidence – Gavai Ko Taan

DAY5 : Mantra for Inner Prosperity – Sacha Sahib Sach Naye

DAY6 : Mantra for Happiness & Overcoming Failure – Thapeya Na Jaaye

DAY7: Mantra for Limitlessness – Tirath Naavaa

DAY8 : Mantra to Overcome Greed – Je Jug Chare

DAY9 : Mantra for Wisdom – Suniai Sidh Pir Sur Nath

DAY10 : Mantra for Eternal Bliss – Suṇiai īsar

DAY11 : Mantra for Grace – Suniai Sat

DAY12 : Mantra for Virtue – Suniai Sara

DAY13 : Mantra for Self-Respect – Manne Ki Gat

DAY14 : Mantra for Surrender – Mannai Surat

DAY15 : Mantra for Finding Path – Mannai Maarag

DAY16 : Mantra for Kundalini Awakening – Mannai Paavahi

DAY17 : Mantra for the Universe – Panch Parvaan

DAY18 : Mantra for Freedom – Asankh Jap

DAY19 : Mantra for Sanity – Asankh Murakh

DAY20 : Mantra for Knowledge – Asankh Nav

DAY21 : Mantra for Navigating Danger – Bhariai Hath

DAY22 : Mantra for Status – Tirath Tap

DAY23 : Mantra for Victory – Patala Pataal

DAY24 : Mantra for Elevation – Saalaahi Saalaah

DAY25 : Mantra for Family Happiness – Ant Na Sifti

DAY26 : Mantra for Prosperity – Bahuta Karam

DAY27 : Mantra for Success – Amul Gun

DAY28 : Mantra for Moving Forward – So Dar Kehā

DAY29 : Mantra for Humility – Aades Tisay Aades(I)

DAY30 : Mantra for Protection – Aades Tisay Aades(II)

DAY31 : Mantra for Peace – Aades Tisay Aades(iii)

DAY32 : Mantra for Connecting to Higher Self – Aades Tisay Aades(iv)

DAY33 : Mantra for Completing your Karma – Ik Doo Jeebhou

DAY34 : Mantra for Destroying Ego – Aakhan Jor

DAY35 : Beginning the Journey Home (ii) – Raatee Rutee

DAY36 : Beginning the Journey Home (ii) – Dharam Khand

DAY37 : Mantra for True Knowledge – Gi-aan Khand

DAY38 : Mantra of Fulfillment – Karam Khand

DAY39 : Mantra for Self Control – Jat Paahaaraa

DAY40 : Mantra for Ultimate Bliss – Pavan Guru Paani Pita



  1. Day 1 of 40 Day SADHANA |Ik Onkar – Mool Mantra Meditation | Meditative Mind - […] EVERYTHING you want to know about 40 DAY SADHANA […]
  2. Day 1 of 40 Day SADHANA |Ik Onkar – Mool Mantra Meditation – Meditative Mind - […] EVERYTHING you want to know about 40 DAY SADHANA […]
  3. Day 02 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Knowing God – Sochai Soch Na Hovai – Meditative Mind - […] EVERYTHING you want to know about 40 DAY SADHANA […]
  4. | Meditative Mind - […] Delay Happiness | 8 things that you can do ... Transform your Life : Everything you need to know…
  5. Day 03 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Patience – Hukmi Hovan | Meditative Mind - […] Transform your Life : Everything you need to know about... Don’t Delay Happiness | 8 things that you can…
  6. Day 03 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Patience – Hukmi Hovan – Meditative Mind - […] EVERYTHING you want to know about 40 DAY SADHANA […]
  7. Day 03 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Self Confidence – Gavai ko Taan | Meditative Mind - […] Transform your Life : Everything you need to know about... Don’t Delay Happiness | 8 things that you can…
  8. Day 04 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Self Confidence – Gavai ko Taan | Meditative Mind - […] Transform your Life : Everything you need to know about... Don’t Delay Happiness | 8 things that you can…
  9. Day 04 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Self Confidence – Gavai ko Taan – Meditative Mind - […] EVERYTHING you want to know about 40 DAY SADHANA […]
  10. #40DaySADHANA – Day 04 | Mantra for Self-Confidence – Gavai ko Taan | Mantra, Meaning & Wallpapers | Meditative Mind - […] Transform your Life : Everything you need to know about... Don’t Delay Happiness | 8 things that you can…
  11. Day 05 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Inner Prosperity – Saacha Sahib Sach Naye | Meditative Mind - […] Transform your Life : Everything you need to know about... Don’t Delay Happiness | 8 things that you can…
  12. Day 05 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Inner Prosperity – Saacha Sahib Sach Naye – Meditative Mind - […] EVERYTHING you want to know about 40 DAY SADHANA […]
  13. Day 05 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Healing, Happiness and Overcoming Failure – Thapeya Na Jaaye | Meditative Mind - […] Transform your Life : Everything you need to know about... Don’t Delay Happiness | 8 things that you can…
  14. Day 05 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Healing, Happiness and Overcoming Failure – Thapeya Na Jaaye – Meditative Mind - […] EVERYTHING you want to know about 40 DAY SADHANA […]
  15. Day 07 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Limitlessness – Tirath Naavaa | Meditative Mind - […] Transform your Life : Everything you need to know about... Don’t Delay Happiness | 8 things that you can…
  16. Day 08 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra to Overcome Greed – Je Jug Chare Arja | Meditative Mind - […] Transform your Life : Everything you need to know about... Don’t Delay Happiness | 8 things that you can…
  17. Day 08 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra to Overcome Greed – Je Jug Chare Arja – Meditative Mind - […] EVERYTHING you want to know about 40 DAY SADHANA […]
  18. Day 09 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Wisdom – Suniai Sidh Pir Sur Nath | Meditative Mind - […] Transform your Life : Everything you need to know about... Don’t Delay Happiness | 8 things that you can…
  19. Day 10 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for ETERNAL BLISS – Suniai Isar | Meditative Mind - […] Transform your Life : Everything you need to know about... Don’t Delay Happiness | 8 things that you can…
  20. Day 10 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for ETERNAL BLISS – Suniai Isar – Meditative Mind - […] EVERYTHING you want to know about 40 DAY SADHANA […]
  21. Day 11 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Grace – Suniai Sat Santokh Gian | Meditative Mind - […] Transform your Life : Everything you need to know about... Don’t Delay Happiness | 8 things that you can…
  22. Day 11 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Grace – Suniai Sat Santokh Gian – Meditative Mind - […] EVERYTHING you want to know about 40 DAY SADHANA […]
  23. Day 12 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Virtue : Suṇiai sarā guṇā ke gāh. | Meditative Mind - […] Transform your Life : Everything you need to know about... Don’t Delay Happiness | 8 things that you can…
  24. Day 12 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Virtue : Suṇiai sarā guṇā ke gāh. – Meditative Mind - […] EVERYTHING you want to know about 40 DAY SADHANA […]
  25. Day 13 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Self Respect : Manne kī gaṯ kahī na jāe. | Meditative Mind - […] Transform your Life : Everything you need to know about... Don’t Delay Happiness | 8 things that you can…
  26. Day 13 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Self Respect : Manne kī gaṯ kahī na jāe. – Meditative Mind - […] EVERYTHING you want to know about 40 DAY SADHANA […]
  27. Day 13 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Surrender : Mannai Surat | Meditative Mind - […] Transform your Life : Everything you need to know about... Don’t Delay Happiness | 8 things that you can…
  28. Day 14 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Surrender : Mannai Surat – Meditative Mind - […] EVERYTHING you want to know about 40 DAY SADHANA […]
  29. Day 15 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Finding Path : Mannai Maarag | Meditative Mind - […] Transform your Life : Everything you need to know about... Don’t Delay Happiness | 8 things that you can…
  30. Day 15 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Finding Path : Mannai Maarag – Meditative Mind - […] EVERYTHING you want to know about 40 DAY SADHANA […]
  31. Day 19 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Sanity : Asankh Murakh | Meditative Mind - […] Transform your Life : Everything you need to know about... Don’t Delay Happiness | 8 things that you can…
  32. Day 16 of #40DaySADHANA | Mantra for Kundalini Awakening : Mannai Paavahi | Meditative Mind - […] Transform your Life : Everything you need to know about... Buddham Sharanam Gacchami Mantra Wallpaper and Meaning Don’t Delay…

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