
Best Music & Mantras for Meditation, Healing & Sleep

meditative mind’s

Top 100 music tracks for meditation

We have compiled a list of top 100 most loved meditation music tracks of all time. Save this page, so that whenever your meditation reminder buzzes, you can come back here, hit play and enter a mellow and soothing state of mind with these relaxing and calming music favorites of all time. And best of all, it is all available to listen for free

RANK 41 to 60 :  This mix of 20 tracks will take you to a journey around the world with melodic hang drum music from middle east, powerful mantras and flute music from India to Mozart’s Classical music to west. Also featuring some soothing chakra healing and frequency healing sounds for sleep and meditation.

World Music

Hang drum and water drum sounds composing a vibing melody to help you achieve great clarity when meditating. Cleanse your mind and your body from stress and fill yourself with its reinvigorating positivity.


108 is the number of existential unity, of the connection with the Great Being. Discover the bounds between you and the universe by the otherworldly vibrations of the OM mantra meditation recited 108 times.


OM is the sound of the universe. It’s the vibration within you and around you. Let it resonate through your body at the 528 Hz frequency and experience its transformational power.


Om Shri Anantaha is an amazingly powerful mantra to get away from negativity. Adapt it to your morning routines and see how you perceive the word positively throughout the day.


The Shiv Gayatri mantra to clear away the fogs and illuminate the mind. Let it accompany you while practicing mindfulness and achieve pure clarity with its radiating melody.


The Shiv Mantra is an expression of the power within you, resonating from universal consciousness. Wash away the numbing negative energy and the weakness by allowing it to serve you break down all the bad thoughts that are pulling you down.


Fall into a deep night’s sleep while 528 Hz and 396 Hz heal your soul and repair your body. Let this heavenly music guide you to a comfortable and peaceful night, free from worries and stress

Frequency Healing

Soothing melody played at 432 Hz Frequency to help you calm those stressful nerves. Let go of all the stress, anxiety, and worries as you gently slip into cozy blanket of deep and tranquil sounds, inspired by the cosmos.

Frequency Healing

Regeneration is the key to life. For your body and your soul. This powerful melody serves you to replace the negativity surrounding you with positive energy while helping the cells in your body follow the complete regeneration.

Frequency Healing

Dreamy 528 Hz sounds to bring forward the brightest love within. Let it usher you to your sleep, in other words, the landscape of change, and use its transforming powers to attain a better version of you.

Frequency Healing

741 Hz to help you cleanse your aura. Listen to it while you sleep and liberate yourself from the bottled up emotions manifesting through the subconscious mind.

Frequency Healing + Classical

Mozart’s compositions are always magical. Relieve from stress and anxiety by listening to his soul-nourishing melodies slowed down @432 Hz for the calming effect.

World Music

Indian flute has an enchanting effect that whispers to the soul and tames it. Let it accompany you through your meditations and free yourself from all the burdens tainting your inner peace.

Chakra Healing

A charming and restful melody of six hours to heal your heart chakra. Bring forward the love within through its smooth sounds and attract the wonderful positivity of the nature you belong to.

Chakra Healing

Soothing melody to heal the most fundamental chakra in your body. Wash away all the worries clogging your Root Chakra and establish a more balanced inner-life.

Chakra Healing

The ultimate tuning to remove the clogs blocking your energy points. Be in the present and let the healing power cleanse all the chakras in your body, from Root to Crown.


Vibrating with the universe means getting closer to the One.  Use OM Mantra @432 Hz to walk through the arbitrary chasm between you and everything else, and transcend by this miraculous syllable.


Shiv Mantra Meditation to nurture positive changes in your life and to get rid of all the anxiety. Meditate along with the enriching melody and let the harmful thoughts wash away as if they were shallow steps on a shore.

World Music

Relaxing Indian flute music to break away from your anxious thoughts.  Embrace the tranquility and positivity as the peaceful notes permeate you.

Frequency Healing

396 Hz Solfeggio Frequency Music from our Marimba Meditation Series is perfect for overcoming fears and feeling of guilt. Eradicate these negative emotions that are weighing you down and find that unshakable inner strength. Perfect for Root Chakra Meditation.