Sacral Chakra Healing Guided Meditation | Healing Camp #2

Healing Camp Day#2 Today We are doing Sacral Chakra Healing Guided Meditation. SACRAL CHAKRA / Your sacral chakra is located in your lower abdomen, about one to two inches below your naval. When out of balance symptoms include—but aren’t limited to—attachment issues, sexually-related guilt, timidity, emotional volatility, hypersensitivity, and trust issues. A person can act […]
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Healing Camp Day#2

Today We are doing Sacral Chakra Healing Guided Meditation.

SACRAL CHAKRA / Your sacral chakra is located in your lower abdomen, about one to two inches below your naval. When out of balance symptoms include—but aren’t limited to—attachment issues, sexually-related guilt, timidity, emotional volatility, hypersensitivity, and trust issues. A person can act both completely disconnected and cold towards others if this chakra is under-active or needy and emotionally dependent if the chakra is over-active. This chakra is your most important emotional center and because of this, at one time or another, most of us will experience an imbalance here.

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