Rare Aboriginal Voices – Third Eye Chakra Meditation Music

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna as we call it in Sanskrit) or the psychic chakra, is located in the middle of the forehead above the brows. It is closely associated with the “pineal” gland. Yogis believe that this chakra is “the seat of the soul” where mind and body met. We have designed this music with 448Hz as its predominant frequency which is the resonating frequency of Third Eye Chakra.

When meditating on third eye chakra, one of the first experiences is a headache or pressure in the center of the forehead. This sensation may also feel like it is originating from within, usually an inch or more beneath the surface of the forehead. This is a positive indication the pineal gland is awakening and beginning to function in a healthy manner. While meditating you can also include OM Chanting along with this music.

YouTube video

Suggested Playlist : Chakra Meditation Chants & Music

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