Guru Guru Wahe Guru ~ Guru Ram Das Guru
It is a beautiful Ashtang Mantra, meaning that it has 8 parts. The first part – the first 4 words – Guru Guru Wahe Guru, project your own infinite power out to the universe and 2nd part brings the Infinite energy and wisdom inside. “Gu” means darkness and “Ru” means the light, Guru is the one which takes us from darkness to light. This chant is also designed to heal and activate chakras and is used in Kundalini Yoga Meditation Practice. Each part of this mantra resonates with our 7 chakras.
GURU — 1st chakra, base of spine
GURU — 2nd chakra, sex organ, abdomen
WAHE (hay) — 3rd chakra, navel
GURU — 4th chakra, heart
GURU — 5th chakra, throat
RAM DAS — 6th chakra, third eye
GURU — 7th chakra, top of head
As you meditate with this mantra, feel your own body and soul, your whole self, become part of that infinite energy, that cosmic wisdom….
1. Chanting this mantra gently opens the heart centre and give the power of forgiveness. It is also called Mantra for forgiveness.
2. Through chanting this mantra we can able to activates all the seven chakras and fills all chakras with healing energy.
3. It raises our energy field to the vibration of Love and embody ourselves with divine healing vibrations.
4. Due to its Healing, Forgiveness and Compassion effect, it is also called Miracle Mantra.
5. By chanting this sacred mantra we embody divine healing vibrations and raise our energy field to the vibration of Love.
6. It carry us through the darkest times and bring healing of the mind, body and spirit.
Here is a beautiful rendition of GURU GURU WAHE GURU, GURU RAM DAS GURU MANTRA, which you may use for Meditation