
Healing Benefits of 432 Hz Music you didn’t know

Playing and listening to music that has been tuned to 432 Hz would fill you with sense of peace and well being as 432 Hz is the harmonic intonation of nature.
432hz Music Benefits

“Music based on 432hz will support humanity on its way towards spiritual freedom. “

– Rudolph Steiner.

Playing and listening to music that has been tuned to 432 Hz creates a sense of peace and well being as it is the harmonic intonation of nature. Lowering the pitch by just 8 Hz helps to calm the body and mind which in turn makes us more flexible, creative, peaceful and spontaneous; It also helps in the release of negative energy and can easily put us in a wonderful state of calm where relaxation is natural.  It is the scale that unites the body and consciousness with nature.

According to Richard Huisken, music tuned to 432 Hz is softer and calmer, giving greater clarity and is easier on the ears. Meditation music tuned to  432 Hz is relaxing for the body and mind and also more harmonically pleasant than 440 Hz. Many researches have also . shown that people feel calmer, happier and  more relaxed when playing and listening at 432 Hz. Music that is tuned to 432 Hz is more friendly for the ears and unites us to the universal harmony and generates positive effects on mind and body.

When Ivan Yanakiev heard an instrument tuned to 432 Hz, he said, it was like he’d heard God speak. For him, it is not just pleasant to the ear, but very helpful  in unlocking mysteries on the level of consciousness  itself.  He wanted 432 Hz vibration to be spread around the world.

Benefits of Music Tuned to 432 Hz.

1. It helps in releasing the stress and releasing tension from the body and mind naturally
2. It unites the body and consciousness with Nature.
3. Due to more harmonic and pleasant nature of 432Hz music than 440Hz, it helps in the release of serotonin and endorphins, which in turn keep the blood pressure and heart rate stable.
4. 432Hz Music helps in releasing the negative energy blockages and acts as a good sound healing tool to release toxins.


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1 Comment

  1. I listen to 528 Hz a lot. I will now add 432 to my listening everyday.


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