
Fill Yourself with JOY and WARMTH by Opening your Sacral Chakra

via Meditative Mind’s Youtube Channel WHAT IS SACRAL CHAKRA Your sacral chakra is located in your lower abdomen, about one to two inches below your naval. When out of balance symptoms include—but aren’t limited to—attachment issues, sexually-related guilt, timidity, emotional volatility, hypersensitivity, and trust issues. A person can act both completely disconnected and cold towards others […]
Youtube Thumbs for Chanting Meditation for Beginners - Sacral Chakra - VAM CHants3

via Meditative Mind’s Youtube Channel


Your sacral chakra is located in your lower abdomen, about one to two inches below your naval. When out of balance symptoms include—but aren’t limited to—attachment issues, sexually-related guilt, timidity, emotional volatility, hypersensitivity, and trust issues. A person can act both completely disconnected and cold towards others if this chakra is under-active or needy and emotionally dependent if the chakra is over-active. This chakra is your most important emotional center and because of this, at one time or another, most of us will experience an imbalance here.


People who
– have inner conflicts
– are cold emotionally and sexually
– are oversensitive
Physical Symptoms of blockage in Sacral Chakra Includes
– urinary and kidney infections
– infertility and Impotence
– gynecological cysts
– Back problems


-Easy Going
-Emotionally sound
-Sense of love
-Sexually Fulfilled


VAM is the Seed Mantra or the Beej Mantra of Sacral Chakra. Primary aim of this Chanting Meditation is to simulate, heal and balance our fundamental energy center, which is blocked by guilt


Sit in a comfortable position, you can also sit on a chair, on ground with some cushion, and you can also choose to lie down if sitting for long period of time gives you pain. What ever you choose make sure that your back is straight, and you are not slouching and your neck is also straight. You can start this video once you are ready to start the meditation. The text in the video also explains how to meditate. More details are below


1. Take your attention inside by observing your breath. As you breathe in and out follow the path air is taking. Breathe Slowly but naturally. You will notice that you have to close your eyes to bring attention to your breathing. And as you start to follow your breathing, you will breathe more deeply.

2. Take your attention to the Sacral Chakra Center : As you are observing your breath, take you attention to the sacral chakra center, which is at the located in the lower abdomen. It will be difficult at first, but you can take it slowly. As you inhale, visualize that air is reaching your abdomen, then in next in breath, it reaches your lower abdomen.

3. Hold your attention at you lower abdomen,near pelvic region, and visualize an bright orange colored, ball of sphere.

4. Start Chanting VAM, with each out breath, and with each in breath, take you attention to that orange energy sphere at lower abdomen, near your pelvic region. With out breath, visualize the sphere vibrating with the VAMMMMMM chanting. Slowly, VAMMMMM will start getting longer and the energy sphere will start getting bigger

5. With Orange sphere vibrating, its sending this intense creative energy to each and every cell of your body and up the spine.
Once you reach step 5 during your meditation, thats when healing of Sacral Chakra starts. It usually takes 3-5 mins to bring attention to the chakra center. You can continue this meditation, for an hour, but at minimum, we would recommend 11 minutes after step 5.

During this track, we have bells ringing at 15 minutes interval, so that you can time your meditation

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