The 7 chakras are vital energy centers within our body that regulate the flow of energy and maintain our physical, emotional, and spiritual balance. Understanding chakras and mastering chakra healing techniques can lead to enhanced well-being and a more harmonious life. This guide will delve into the significance of each chakra, explore how to balance the 7 chakras, and provide practical tips for effective chakra healing.
What are chakras?
Every cell in our body constantly exchanges energy with its surrounding cells, creating a dynamic flow of vitality within us. This energy converges at seven main centers known as chakras.
Chakras are like gateways, regulating the flow of energy throughout our body. Imagine them as radiant spheres of energy, spinning within us, expanding and contracting.
These energy centers align and harmonize the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our being, creating a balanced and vibrant state of health. By nurturing our chakras, we can enhance our overall well-being and experience a deeper connection to ourselves and the world around us.
Dive Deeper : Science behind Chakra Healing Frequencies and Chants
Imagine the gentle rhythm of our breath, the stillness of our thoughts, and within this calm lies a profound truth: we are beings of energy.
Chakra 101
The word “chakra” comes from the ancient Sanskrit language, meaning “wheel” or “disk.” Originating from ancient Indian spiritual traditions, chakras are considered to be spinning centers of energy within our bodies. Each of the seven main chakras corresponds to different physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our being. These energy centers start at the base of the spine and rise to the crown of the head, each vibrating at its unique frequency and color.
Understanding and balancing these chakras is essential for maintaining overall health and harmony in our lives.
How many chakras are there?
There are seven(7) chakras or energy centers which are considered primary or the most significant.
According to ancient yogic scriptures, our body has 114 chakras but seven are the major one. These main seven Chakras are not only associated with our physical well being but also connected to our emotional and mental health.
Are Chakras Real?
Take a moment to center yourself. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing, taking slow, calm, deep breaths. As you do this, feel the gentle flow of energy moving through your body. Chakras are like rivers of light and life, flowing within our being. By tuning into this subtle energy, you can begin to sense the presence and influence of these vital energy centers.
To understand if chakras are real, one must turn inward and become aware of the energy flowing within. Mindful observation is essential.
While we can not see or touch these energy centers, but we can feel them, and experience their presence in alignment and imbalances within us. As we meditate and bring our focus inwards, we can intuitively start feeling these the subtle layers of our essence – these spinning wheels of energy. Believing in chakras is like believing in the wind—you may not see it, but you can feel and experience its power, its energy.
It is a beautiful journey into the depths of our own being, where we discover a gentle flow of life energy within.
How can I experience and feel chakras within me?
To truly experience and feel the energy centers within us, we must enter a space of resonant mindfulness. One of the most profound ways to do this is through meditation accompanied by specifically designed chakra healing music or seed mantra chanting. As we sit in stillness, allowing the sounds to envelop us, these energy centers begin to resonate with the vibrations of the healing music or seed mantra sounds.
Imagine each chakra as a delicate flower, gently opening to the warmth of the sun. As the healing sounds vibrate, these flowers respond, activating and blossoming within us. By focusing our attention on each chakra, we start to feel a gentle warmth in that region, a soft glow of energy flowing through us. The more we meditate, the deeper this connection becomes, allowing us to sense the subtle currents of life within our own being. This practice is a journey into the heart of our inner energy system, discovering the quiet, radiant presence of our true self.
7 Chakras Healing Music for Full Body Aura Cleanse & Boost Positive Energy
Know your 7 Chakras
Now let’s explore our energy system more deeply, by looking into each of the seven chakras, how they become blocked and what are the symptoms we experience as each chakra open, including chakra colors, symbols, frequencies, seed mantra, raagas and more.
1. Root Chakra
Sanskrit Name – Muladhara
Location – Base of the Spine
Color – Red
Element – Earth
Seed Sound – LAM
Root Note Frequency – 256Hz
Symbol – Four-petaled lotus
Associated Raag – Shyam Kalyan
Root Chakra is our first and primary chakra. Its located at the base of our spine and its color is red. If the root chakra is not balanced, we feel deep fear and insecurity. Anxiety and endless worrying can then become a norm. Ever noticed, when you are tensed or stressed out and worry too much, a dull pain also starts to emerge in the lower spine. That’s the blocked energy in our root chakra. If our root chakra is balanced we feel very much connected to the physical body, we feel grounded and trust people around. We feel secure in ourselves and connected to our roots.
Root Chakra is also the primary source of energy. When we feel low, stressed out and worry too much, energy can not flow through our root chakra freely. That’s why exercising and physical movement and going out in open help in reducing the stress and anxiety. To balance this chakra – do yoga, and exercise daily. Wearing Red and chanting seed mantra LAM also helps in healing and balancing this chakra
2. Sacral Chakra
Sanskrit Name – Swadhisthana
Location – In your lower abdomen, about one to two inches below your naval
Color – Orange
Element – Water
Seed Sound – VAM
Root Note Frequency – 288Hz
Symbol – Six-petaled lotus
Associated Raag – Yaman
Its our second chakra and is located just below the navel. This chakra deals with feelings, creativity and sexuality. If our sacral chakra is unbalanced and under-active, we tend to be unemotional and insensitive and do not open to anybody. Over-active chakra makes you over emotional and very sexual.
The color of sacral chakra is Orange and its Seed Mantra is VAM. Wearing orange, eating orange fruits and veggies, and chanting the seed mantra VAM can help a lot in healing and balancing this chakra.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra
Sanskrit Name – Manipura
Location – At the navel or slightly above the solar plexus
Color – Yellow
Element – Fire
Seed Sound – RAM
Root Note Frequency – 320Hz
Symbol – Ten-petaled lotus
Associated Raag – Bhimpalasi
Solar Plexus Chakra is our 3rd energy center and is located near the navel. It is the center of self confidence and self esteem. On a physical level, it regulates our digestive system. On an emotional level , if this chakra is balanced, we feel good about ourselves, otherwise we feel passive and indecisive. Aggression and jealousy are symptoms of an over-active solar plexus chakra.
Yellow is the color of this chakra. Wear yellow clothes and spending time in sun are very helpful for balancing this chakra. The seed mantra of solar plexus chakra is RAM.
4. Heart Chakra
Sanskrit Name – Anahata
Location – In the central channel of the spine at the heart
Color – Green
Element – Air
Seed Sound – YAM
Root Note Frequency – 341Hz
Symbol – Twelve-petaled lotus
Associated Raag – Ahir Bhairav
Heart chakra connects lower chakras to the higher chakras. This Chakra is associated with Peace, Love for self and others, compassion, empathy, awareness, forgiveness, grief. If the chakra is under-active, one’s nature is unfriendly and cold. The overactive heart chakra leads to high blood pressure, palpitation and heart problems.
If our heart chakra is not balanced we have overwhelming feelings of fear, grief, anger, hatred and jealousy. Green is the color of this chakra and YAM is the seed mantra for balancing heart chakra.
5. Throat Chakra:
Sanskrit Name – Vishuddha
Location – At the throat region, near the spine
Color – Blue
Element – Ether
Seed Sound – HAM
Root Note Frequency – 384Hz
Symbol – Sixteen-petaled lotus
Associated Raag – Desh
Throat chakra also known as Vishuddha is located at the base of the throat which controls the thyroid and endocrine system. This Chakra is associated with communication and self expression. Under active chakra makes us feel shy and we are thus not able to express our thoughts and emotions properly. On the other hand, if this chakra is over active, we tend to speak too much. Often times we feel that we are misunderstood.
Balancing throat chakra regulates the flow of hormones and helps us in speaking our inner truth. We do not try to hide or manipulate our words. We are confindent is letting others know about our deepest desires. The color of this chakra is Sky Blue and the seed mantra is HAM.
6. Third Eye Chakra
Sanskrit Name – Ajna
Location – Directly behind the center of the forehead
Color – Indigo
Element – Light
Seed Sound – OM
Root Note Frequency – 448Hz
Symbol – Two-petaled lotus
Associated Raag – Bhupali
Third eye chakra is located in the forehead slightly above the eyebrows. Its also called the brow chakra. Those with open and balanced third eye chakra have amazing intellect, intuition, wisdom and spiritual power.
An under active Third Eye Chakra leads to confusion and we are not connected with our inner intellect – our intuition. On the physical level, we might have headaches and migranes. The color of this chakra is indigo and seed mantra is OM.
7. Crown Chakra
Sanskrit Name – Sahasara
Location – Either at or slightly above the top of the head.
Color – Violet
Element – Thought
Seed Sound – AH or Silent OM
Root Note Frequency – 480Hz
Symbol – Thousand-petaled lotus
Associated Raag – Darbari
It is the highest of the seven chakras and regarded as a gateway to the energy of the universe itself. It is a very subtle chakra and opening this chakra opens door to connect with our higher self. Crown chakra is also called Sahasrara – a bridge to the cosmos. Under active chakra tends to make a person rigid in thoughts.
Unbalanced crown chakra leads to depression and a disconnection with the outside world. When this chakra is balanced, we feel more open and a kind of connectedness with the entire universe. A feeling that the whole universe is one and we all came from that one source. The color of this chakra is voilet and the seed mantra is AH.
How to know which chakras are blocked?
To identify which chakras are blocked we need to look within ourselves with curosity and compassion. Close your eyes, and start focusing on your breaths, and let each inhale guide you to into a state of peaceful awareness.
As you scan your body pay attention to any areas of tension or discomfort. Each chakra is linked to different emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of our being. A blocked root chakra might manifest as anxiety or instability while a blocked heart chakra could show up as feelings of loneliness or sadness. Trust your intuition to guide you.
Listen to the cues from your body. Notice where energy seems blocked. Through meditation accompanied by healing music or seed mantra chants can help bring more focus to our energy centers and it is easier to discover these blocks.
With patience and care focus on these areas allowing the warmth of your breath and the vibrations of sound to gently open and heal them. This mindful sound healing practice helps in creating a deep connection with our inner energy flow, revealing the path to balance and harmony within.
How to unblock 7 chakras?
To unblock chakras, think of them as energy centers that respond to sound and light. Just like soothing music or gentle light can relax us, specific sounds, music, and colors can help balance and heal our chakras.
Each chakra has its unique vibration and color. For example, the sacral chakra resonates with the color orange and the sound “Vam.” To heal it, you can spend time in nature, meditate on the color orange, or gently chant “Vam.”
Using these simple practices, you can help your energy flow freely, bringing balance and harmony to your body and mind.
What are the main benefits of unblocking chakras?
The main chakra unblocking benefits include enhanced emotional stability, improved physical health, and greater spiritual well-being. You can explore the detailed benefits of healing each chakra here : Benefits of Balancing Chakras
Last updated : 29th June 2024
Contributors : Shreeyani Tulachan, Dilpreet Bhatia
Dive Deeper
1. Overcome Negative Emotions by Unblocking These 3 Chakras
2. Lower Back problems can be healed by Balancing Root Chakra.
3. What is Third Eye Chakra? How to open it to Awaken Intuition?