7 Chakras : Everything you need to know about your Magical Energy Centers

Let’s delve into the fascinating world of the 7 chakras. Explore the meaning and significance of each spiritual energy center, from the grounding root chakra to the enlightening crown chakra. Gain insights into their roles in physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life, and find practical tips on balancing and harmonizing these energy spheres for optimal vitality and inner harmony.

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Understanding the Chakra System

The chakra system is one the most ancient practices used in healing mind, body and soul. You will find chakras integrated with yoga, meditation, and energy healing practices.

What are 7 Chakras?

Each chakra is associated with specific qualities, functions, and aspects of human experience, including physical, emotional, and spiritual elements. They are believed to be connected to different organs, glands, and bodily systems, as well as to various psychological and energetic states.

Here is a brief overview of our chakras and their associations:

  1. Root Chakra ( Sanskrit Name : Muladhara)
    • Located at the base of our spine and it is associated with stability, grounding, and survival instincts.
  2. Sacral Chakra (Sanskrit Name : Svadhisthana)
    • It is located in the below our navel, near the lower abdomen and it is associated with creativity, sensuality, and emotional well-being.
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Sanskrit Name : Manipura)
    • Located in the upper abdomen, it is associated with personal power, self-confidence, and willpower.
  4. Heart Chakra (Sanskrit Name : Anahata)
    • This beautiful chakra is associated with love, compassion, and emotional balance and is located near our … yes… you guessed it right…near our heart in the center of the chest
  5. Throat Chakra (Sanskrit Name : Vishuddha)
    • This center is located at the middle of the throat and it is associated with self-expression, inner power, communication and authenticity.
  6. Third Eye Chakra (Sanskrit Name : Ajna)
    • Located between the eyebrows, it is associated with intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness.
  7. Crown Chakra (Sanskrit Name : Sahasrara)
    • It is located at the top of the head. This is our last chakra and opening this center us to connect with our highest consciousness and gives us access to limitless cosmic energy.

How to open 7 Chakras : Root to Crown

1st of the 7 Chakras :The Root Chakra (🔴) : Guided Meditation, Chants & Sound Bath

Root chakra or Muladhara is the first of our 7 Chakras. Opening the root chakra can be a powerful and transformative practice. The techniques below help to stimulate and balance the energy flow in the root chakra, promoting a sense of stability, grounding, and connection to the physical world.

Root Chakra Guided Meditation: Incorporate meditation techniques that focus on the root chakra. Find a comfortable and quiet place, gently close your eyes, and let’s bring our focus to the base of your spine. Visualize a vibrant red energy sphere spinning at this location. As you breathe deeply, imagine the energy becoming larger and more radiant, balancing and opening the chakra. You can also combine this visualization with the chanting or music mentioned earlier to deepen the meditative experience.

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Root Chakra Seed Mantra Chants: The seed mantra of root chakra is LAM. When we chant this mantra, the vibrations of the sound in the right frequency, resonates with the root chakra, which is located in the base of spine. It is fantastic method to bring focus to the chakra center and help activate and open it.

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Root Chakra Music & Sound Bath: Listen to music designed using the ancient raagas and which incorporates frequencies associated with root chakra can help you bring focus to the chakra center, tune it and open it. You can also use singing bowls to create soothing resonant vibrations that can be very helpful. Listen to the music or place the singing bowl near your body during meditation to enhance the energetic effect.

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Open Sacral Chakra (🟠) : Guided Meditation, Chants & Sound Bath

It is important to open our 7 chakras in sequence, as the energy flows from Root Chakra to Crown. The second chakra is the Sacral Chakra or Swaddhisthana. It

Meditation: Practice meditation techniques that focus on the sacral chakra. Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, and direct your attention to the area below your navel. Visualize a vibrant orange energy spinning at this location. As you breathe deeply, imagine the energy growing brighter and expanding, bringing balance and openness to the chakra. You can also combine this visualization with chanting or soothing music to deepen the meditation experience.

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Chants and Mantras: Chanting specific sounds and mantras can activate and harmonize the sacral chakra’s energy. The mantra “VAM” is associated with this chakra. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and repeat the “VAM” mantra, allowing the sound to resonate in your lower abdomen. This practice helps to stimulate and open the sacral chakra.

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Music and Sound Healing: Explore music that evokes feelings of joy, passion, and fluidity. Look for uplifting and rhythmic tunes, such as world music or gentle flowing melodies. You can also incorporate instruments like crystal bowls, which produce soothing and resonant sounds that support sacral chakra healing. Allow the music to immerse you, awakening and harmonizing the energy of the sacral chakra.

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Dance and Movement: Engage in free-flowing dance or gentle movements that connect you with your body and emotions. Allow yourself to express and release any stagnant energy in the sacral chakra. Move in a way that feels natural and liberating, embracing your sensuality and creative energy.

Open Solar Plexus Chakra(🟡) : Guided Meditation, Chants & Sound Bath

Solar Plexus Chakra Guided Meditation: Engage in meditation practices that focus on the solar plexus chakra. Find a quiet place, sit in a comfortable position, and close your eyes. Direct your attention to the area above the navel, where the solar plexus chakra is located. Visualize a radiant golden-yellow light spinning at this location. As you breathe deeply, imagine the light growing brighter and expanding, infusing you with confidence, personal power, and inner strength.

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Solar Plexus Chakra Seed Mantra Chants : Chanting specific sounds and mantras can activate and align the energy of the solar plexus chakra. The mantra “RAM” is associated with this chakra. Find a quiet space, sit comfortably, and repeat the “RAM” mantra aloud or silently. Allow the sound to resonate in your solar plexus area, fostering a sense of empowerment and inner strength.

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Solar Plexus Chakra Music and Sound Bath: Seek out music that uplifts and energizes you. Look for melodies that evoke feelings of confidence, power, and motivation. Instrumental tracks with uplifting rhythms, such as drums or upbeat tunes, can be particularly beneficial. Allow the music to fill your space and penetrate your being, activating and harmonizing the energy of the solar plexus chakra.

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Breathwork: Practice deep, conscious breathing exercises to activate and balance the solar plexus chakra. Inhale deeply, expanding your abdomen, and then exhale fully, releasing any tension or stagnant energy associated with the chakra. As you breathe, imagine golden-yellow light filling your solar plexus area, revitalizing and empowering you.

Open Heart Chakra (🟢) : Guided Meditation, Chants & Sound Bath

One of the most profound pit stop in our journey to open 7 Chakras is opening of thethe heart chakra; which can lead to a amazing experience of love, compassion, and emotional balance. Here are practices you can incorporate to open and harmonize the heart chakra:

Heart Chakra Guided Meditation: Engage in heart-focused meditation practices. Find a peaceful place, sit comfortably, and close your eyes. Direct your attention to the center of your chest, where the heart chakra resides. Visualize a luminous green or pink light radiating from this area. As you breathe deeply, imagine the light expanding and enveloping your entire being, fostering love, forgiveness, and compassion.

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Heart Chakra Seed Mantra Chants: Chanting specific sounds and mantras can activate and attune the heart chakra’s energy. The mantra “YAM” resonates with this chakra. Find a quiet space, sit comfortably, and chant “YAM” either aloud or internally. Allow the sound to reverberate within your chest, opening your heart and nurturing feelings of love and compassion.

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Heart Chakra Healing Music & Sound Bath: Seek out music that evokes emotions of love, harmony, and peace. Look for gentle and soothing melodies, instrumental tracks with soft piano or violin, or chanting of heart-opening mantras. Allow the music to create an atmosphere of serenity and emotional healing, activating and balancing the energy of the heart chakra.

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Gratitude and Loving-Kindness Practice: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude and practice loving-kindness towards yourself and others. Reflect on things you appreciate in your life and extend heartfelt wishes for the well-being and happiness of yourself, loved ones, and even those with whom you may have difficulties. These practices open the heart chakra and expand your capacity for love and compassion.

Open Throat Chakra (🔵) : Guided Meditation, Chants & Sound Bath

Opening the throat chakra through chants, music, and meditation can enhance your communication skills, self-expression, and authenticity. Here are practices you can incorporate to open and balance the throat chakra:

Throat Chakra Guided Meditation: Engage in meditation practices that center around the throat chakra. Find a serene space, sit in a comfortable position, and close your eyes. Bring your attention to your throat area. Visualize a vibrant blue light radiating from this region. As you breathe deeply, imagine the light expanding and filling your throat, promoting clear communication and authentic self-expression.

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Throat Chakra Seed Mantra Chants: Chanting specific sounds and mantras can activate and align the energy of the throat chakra. The mantra “HAM” is associated with this chakra. Find a quiet space, sit comfortably, and repeat the “HAM” mantra either silently or aloud. Allow the vibration to resonate in your throat, clearing any blockages and promoting self-expression.

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Throat Chakra Healing Music & Sound Bath: Seek out music that promotes harmony and creativity. Look for uplifting melodies with a focus on the throat and vocal expression. Singing bowls, wind instruments, and music with lyrics that inspire and empower can also support the opening of the throat chakra. Allow the music to flow through you, freeing your voice and stimulating the energy of the chakra.

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More Ways to Heal Throat Chakra : Creative Expression, Self-Reflection and Journaling

Engaging in creative activities such as singing, writing, painting, or dancing can help open the throat chakra. Allow yourself to express freely and authentically through your chosen medium. Embrace the joy of creative expression and let go of any self-judgment or inhibition.

Take time for self-reflection and journaling to explore your thoughts, emotions, and desires. Write freely without judgment, allowing your true voice to emerge. Reflecting on your values, needs, and aspirations can promote clarity and authenticity in your communication.

Open Third Eye Chakra (🔵) : Guided Meditation, Chants & Sound Bath

Opening the Third Eye chakra can enhance your intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness. This is also one of the major milestone for you to gauge how far you have come in this healing journey to open seven chakras. You will start getting more and more intuitive, trust that inner self, inner guidance more and more, rather than looking for signals in the world outside you. Your outside world will start reflecting what’s going on inside you. Here are practices you can incorporate to open and balance the Third Eye chakra:

Third Eye Chakra Guided Meditation: Engage in meditation practices that center around the Third Eye chakra. Find a quiet and comfortable space, close your eyes, and bring your attention to the area between your eyebrows. Visualize a radiant indigo or purple light in this location. As you breathe deeply, imagine the light growing brighter and expanding, awakening your intuitive abilities and deepening your connection to higher consciousness.

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Third Eye Chakra Seed Mantra Chants: Chanting specific sounds and mantras can activate and align the energy of the Third Eye chakra. The mantra “OM” is closely associated with this chakra. Find a quiet and peaceful space, sit comfortably, and chant “OM” either aloud or internally. Allow the vibrations to resonate within your mind’s eye, stimulating and opening the Third Eye chakra.

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Third Eye Chakra Opening Music & Sound Bath: Seek out music that promotes relaxation, focus, and spiritual connection. Look for calming instrumental tracks, gentle nature sounds, or meditation music that incorporates frequencies known to stimulate the Third Eye chakra. Allow the music to create a serene and conducive environment for deepening your spiritual awareness and activating the Third Eye chakra.

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More Ways to Open 3rd Eye Chakra

Visualization and Imagery: Practice visualizations that stimulate the Third Eye chakra. Imagine a vibrant and pulsating indigo lotus or a clear and expansive inner vision. Allow these visualizations to deepen your sense of inner knowing and open the pathways of your Third Eye chakra.

Journaling and Reflection: Reflect on your dreams, inner visions, and intuitive insights through journaling. Write down your experiences, observations, and any synchronicities you notice. This practice helps to cultivate awareness of your intuition and strengthens your connection to the Third Eye chakra.

Open Crown Chakra (🟣) : Guided Meditation, Chants & Sound Bath

Crown chakra is the last and most profound of our 7 Chakras. Opening the Crown chakra through chants, music, and meditation can facilitate spiritual connection, higher consciousness, and enlightenment. Here are practices you can incorporate to open and balance the Crown chakra:

Crown Chakra Guided Meditation: Engage in meditation practices that focus on the Crown chakra. Find a quiet and comfortable space, close your eyes, and direct your attention to the top of your head. Visualize a radiant violet or white light at the Crown chakra’s location. As you breathe deeply, imagine the light expanding and enveloping your entire being, connecting you to divine consciousness and opening the Crown chakra.

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Crown Chakra Seed Mantra Chants: Chanting specific sounds and mantras can activate and align the energy of the Crown chakra. The mantra Silent “OM” or “AH” is closely associated with this chakra. Find a quiet and serene space, sit comfortably, and chant “AH” either aloud or “OM” internally. Allow the vibrations to resonate throughout your entire being, awakening and expanding the Crown chakra.

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Crown Chakra Healing Sound Bath : Seek out music that promotes relaxation, tranquility, and spiritual connection. Look for meditative tracks with ethereal sounds, chants, or celestial tones. Instrumental compositions featuring instruments like crystal bowls or bells can also enhance the energy of the Crown chakra. Allow the music to create a peaceful ambiance, facilitating a deeper connection to higher realms and the opening of the Crown chakra.

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Silent Meditation: Embrace silent meditation as a way to quiet the mind and create space for spiritual connection. Sit in stillness, letting go of thoughts and attachments. Allow yourself to be present in the moment and open to receiving higher guidance and wisdom through the Crown chakra.

Practicing Presence and Mindfulness: Cultivate an awareness of the present moment in your daily life. Engage in activities with complete presence and mindfulness, whether it’s walking in nature, savoring a meal, or engaging in creative endeavors. This practice helps to bring your attention to the present, aligning with the energy of the Crown chakra and the divine essence within.

Remember, consistency and patience are key when healing and balancing 7 chakras. Allow yourself the time and space to explore and connect with the energy of each chakra before moving to the next. With regular practice, you can open and balance each chakra one by one, experiencing a deeper spiritual connection, expanded consciousness, and a sense of divine unity.

  1. Quick Heal 7 Chakras.
  2. Sleep & Heal 7 Chakras : A playlist of our most popular sleep music for chakra healing based on chakra frequencies.
  3. 7 Chakra Affirmations
  4. Meditative Mind App : Features many chakra healing and meditation tracks for free. With a very nominal yearly subscription fee, you get access to all our chakra healing library, in-app exclusive tracks, mantras, guided meditations and a lot more.

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