Happiness is a mental and emotional state of well-being which can be defined by, among others, positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Happiness is bought about by truthfully addressing various aspects of our lives and living life to its Fullest. We feel happy when we choose thoughts and feelings aligned with our true state of purity, peace and love that we shift from asking to sharing; holding on to letting go; expectations to acceptance; past and future to being in now. By practising we create a life of joy, contentment and bliss, because we have the choice and the power. Happiness is a decision or choice. Happiness is a mental and emotional state of well-being which can be defined by, among others, positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Happiness is bought about by truthfully addressing various aspects of our lives and living life to its Fullest. We feel happy when we choose thoughts and feelings aligned with our true state of purity, peace and love that we shift from asking to sharing; holding on to letting go; expectations to acceptance; past and future to being in now. By practising we create a life of joy, contentment and bliss, because we have the choice and the power. Happiness is a decision or choice.
Happiness is one thing in life that everyone is looking for irrespective of what we are doing. We must know what happy people do every day .Given below are the ten habits of Happy People. Choose the ones which appeal to you and fit your lifestyle
1. Happy People Show Gratitude and appreciation for Life
Practising gratitude and appreciation can change your life. Simple act of being grateful on a regular basis will change your perception in a very positive way. The more you focus on gratitude the more you will appreciate your life and happier you will be. If you want to be happy, count your blessings and not problems or misfortunes. Remember, the happiest people are not those who have the best of everything, but who are grateful for everything they have.
2. They Forgive & Let Go
Forgiveness liberates us from a negative attachment to a person who has hurt us. Forgiveness is a sign of self-love. “Forgiveness is the greatest gift you can give yourself –Maya Angelou.”
3. Happy People Love your work
Though you don’t like your work, environment or the boss you are in, you can love the way you do it. Happy are those who love how they are doing and what they are doing .
4. They Practise Meditation, yoga & Exercise
To keep oneself fit and happy, meditation and yoga is one of the pre-requisites. During the course of meditation as well as yoga, every cell in the body is filled with more energy and one feels satisfied, happy and joyful. Research shows that by doing meditation and yoga/exercise for 20 minutes a day, positive emotions are increased besides increase of empathy and compassion. Now, benefits of meditation have become measurable with the latest technology in the field of brain monitoring devices such as MRI scanners.
5. Positive image about self
A positive self image is basic ingredient for a happy, successful and confident life. Our self image guides us how we respond in different situations and people in our lives. Love and accept yourself the way you are, nobody is perfect and every being in the world is blessed in some way or the other.
6. Smile and Laughter
Smiling contracts the facial muscles, leading to more blood flow to the brain’s frontal lobes, which in turn releases dopamine, one of the pleasure chemicals in the brain. Smiling is an easy way to boost your mood. According to a study done by researchers at Cardiff University, the expressions we make can affect our emotions, so a smile all by itself can inspire Happiness. Laughter releases endorphins which lead to a sense of well- being and optimism. Moreover, use of humour can reduce tension in a most tense situation.
7. Experience joy in very small things
Happy people always find joy in small things, they are not waiting for big things to happen. Looking at Sun rise, Sun set and the Moon on the full moon day gives unending happiness. Looking at other beautiful objects also make you feel happier.
8. Humility and confidence
One of the rarest combinations in the human personality is the co-existence of confidence and humility. Often people who are confident are not humble and people with humility are not confident. Confidence blended with humility is most appreciated by everybody. This is one of the topmost habit of happy people.
9. Limit expectations
Shakespeare said – I always feel happy, you know why ? Because I don’t expect anything from anyone. Expectation always hurts. Life is short, so love your life. Be Happy and keep smiling. The less you expect, the more pleasant life gets. Enjoy – what you have. Expectation is the mother of all frustration.
10. Enjoy the Present
To enjoy the Present is one habit that happy people never forget. It’s appropriate to plan for the future, but it’s not a good idea to constantly have your mind on how “things will be better next time. Living in the moment means, keeping your attention on the present moment, the here-and-now, you can get much more enjoyment from the life you already have.
All Happy people know that happiness is a choice and a way of life and they have made the decision to be happy. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy..