
Pain Relief Guided Meditation | An Acceptance Meditation Practice

What we resist, persists. We all have been naturally programmed and trained to resist the bad, and when it comes to pain, we subconsciously resist it too. When we are in pain, we naturally want to resist it, get away from it as soon as possible. But various experiments have found that we can reduce […]

What we resist, persists. We all have been naturally programmed and trained to resist the bad, and when it comes to pain, we subconsciously resist it too. When we are in pain, we naturally want to resist it, get away from it as soon as possible.

But various experiments have found that we can reduce the pain and the stress due to pain by almost 50% if we simply change how to think about pain.

In this Acceptance Meditation Practice, we retrain or reprogram our brain, so that it learns to deal with pain signals without resisting them. Without trying to get rid of it asap.

If you are suffering from chronic pain, we would recommend to do this meditation once daily. It is also helpful in pain management if you have suffered an injury.

~ Remember to Breathe fully and naturally. Cultivate Mindfulness. Enjoy the Journey. Smile ~

Latest Music

Deep OM Mantra Chants with Water Sounds ✡ Stress Relieving Brain Calming Nature Mantra Meditation

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