
Top 100 Meditation Music Tracks (61 to 80)

Best Music & Mantras for Meditation, Healing & Sleep meditative mind’s Top 100 meditation music tracks We have compiled a list of top 100 most loved meditation music tracks of all time. Save this page, so that whenever your meditation reminder buzzes,...
Benefits of Chanting OM Mantra

Benefits of Chanting OM Mantra

‘OM’ – The Primordial Sound. The Sound that reverberates in the entire universe. If there can can just one mantra that we can recommend to chant, it is the OM mantra. Here are some physical, emotional and mental health benefits of chanting OM mantra....
10 ways to control Blood Pressure Naturally

10 ways to control Blood Pressure Naturally

High blood pressure imbalance is a health problem that affects a lot of people around the world, being found in some countries in almost the half of their adult population. This affliction may appear due to several reasons and sometimes as a symptom of congenital...